I remember fondly all the times that I would turn up to the skatepark at around 1pm on a nice sunny day cautious to not burn myself out too quickly. Henry would have been there for an hour or two already, flying around and making the most of the good weather. Flan loving the simple pleasure of riding a skateboard so much really inspired me, and I’m so grateful we got to share that love and bring that energy into each others’ lives. Some of the tricks he would do would blow us all away, and they were made so much better by the smile he had on his face while doing them. A number of times I would be out on my bike and I’d hear the signature toot-toot of Flan on his moped behind me, board strapped on his back and with his sights set on one place. Most of the time these chance encounters would end with me changing my plans for the day, going home and switching my two wheels for four to go and join the session. And these last few years a session it has truly been. Henry along with the rest of the crew, Harry, Beanhead, Adam and the rest, have brought a new energy, love and outlook - these boys really know how to do it! A conversation I had with Dougie the other day encapsulated Flan perfectly… anytime he would film a clip of anyone else doing a trick he would without fail offer the same narration, each trick would be met with a right proper Somerset “keep her going”, egging all us lot on to continue our journeys around the park, to always try and fit in just one more trick. He revelled in the excitement we showed as we pushed ourselves… and he always made sure we celebrated even the smallest things.